Today is the day that the 2020 wave one release plans are announced. Are you waiting as patiently as I am to find out what the latest and greatest is …
With the general availability of Microsoft Forms Pro, it comes as no surprise that Voice of the customer is going to be deprecated and replaced. Forms Pro will provide seamless …
It comes as no surprise that Microsoft have announced the gradual decommissioning of the “classic” workflow engine within Dynamics365. I have been keeping an eye on the lack of development …
The April 2019 release is out now, and you are able to activate this in your environment in order to be able to preview the features. You are able to …
With all the changes that are ongoing within the Microsoft ecosystem, I have received a notification that the Microsoft Virtual Academy is coming to an end. This has been a …
As many of you will know the April 2019 release note has become available today. I will be updating over the next few days on my thoughts on each of …
Microsoft has recently communicated with customers that as of the 16th of January 2019 it will no longer be offering Social Engagement or Insideview to new customers. They will, however, …
This is an expansion on my previous post about the ClickDimensions Cookie Challenge. ClickDimensions is an excellent addon for Dynamics 365 though when it comes to form capture, it lacks …
It is getting to that time of year again where Microsoft are going to be releasing new features and functionality for Dynamics365 and the Power Platform. These are the key …
I have recently been working with a client who is implementing ClickDimensions marketing automation solution. Part of the solution allows website form captures to be created within Microsoft Dynamics CRM as either …