Microsoft Power Apps is a powerful tool that can save you time and money. But what if Power Apps isn’t accessible to everyone? It would be a shame if people could not use Power Apps because they didn’t have the right equipment or skills. That’s why it’s essential for Microsoft Power Apps developers and all other app developers to include accessibility features in their apps. In this blog post, we will discuss key considerations when developing an app with accessibility in mind.
My top three considerations for Power Apps accessibility are:
– Power Apps doesn’t have built-in speech output, so Power Apps developers need to add alternative text descriptions of what’s happening on the screen, such as adding an audio description video or including sound effects that can be enabled by Power Apps users with hearing impairments.
– Power Apps doesn’t have a built-in screen magnification or zoom feature, so Power Apps developers should include text size and font options to improve readability for Power Apps users with low vision.
– Power Apps does not currently offer colour contrast modes. Still, Power Apps must include colours in the foreground and background that provide enough visual distinction for Power Apps users with colour blindness.
In conclusion, Power Apps developers should consider accessibility during the development process to ensure that no one is left behind from using Power App’s features.
What are your essential tips for accessibility?